Another page released. This took a while, mostly because of the layout. Also, I had even more text on the first versions. I still worry that it won't be understood, but explaining every little detail is not the best solution as it creates boring pages. Let me know if this makes (or makes no) sense.
Technically not much to say this time, maybe only that mixing multiply and shading layers creates some very weird artifacts in Inkscape but I was too lazy to workaround them. Basically a rectangle around some areas goes bersherk and decides it wants to be a different shade. See if you can spot it.
(more...)Another page, on schedule, even with years coming and going. It's amazing. Who would have known. I'm not particularly proud of the shading in this one, as I didn't spend enough time doing it, so don't look at it :).
For the technically inclined: Every panel was drawn by hand, scanned, had the saturation reduced to 0 and then levels applied to make a smooth white background. Then I put all the panels into a 'multiply' layer. I tend to draw individual panels on my sketch book, and do the composition with Inkscape. It's really fun to see how many options one has to tell the same story. I usually have a few versions of each page, changing layout, balloons, panel sizes. I don't think I could do comics in the classic style, i.e. drawing a whole page and scanning it.
Update: Fixed grammar typo, added a couple dialogue lines.
(more...)A little more on the background story, flashback and all. Don't worry, I promise it will make sense in the end. Kind of :).
Technicalities: I discovered, thanks to some random stranger in the internets, that it's better to forget about extracting ink via transparent images the way I was doing it, and using Multiply plus level calibration to remove the paper texture and the pencils instead. It's worth mentioning that these days I don't even erase the pencil before scanning, it goes away magically, for such is the miracle of computing. So you just take a scanned image, alter the color levels to make a smooth white background and put the resulting image into its own layer on top of all other layers, with a filter of Multiply. It works wonderfully.
(more...)Everybody approaches these holidays in a different way. I decided that, in order to avoid offending those with different religious sensitivities, I should choose a topic that everybody liked, no matter your origin and beliefs.
Hope you appreciate it. Next year will see the Spanish translation of my main webcomic, too, hence the bilingual message :).
(more...)Hope this one is more or less understandable.
(more...)Oh look, another page. Now, I know there are some things that will appear unclear. Well, let your imagination run free.
(more...)Oooh delayed publishing! Not much happens in this page, but it's necessary for the next one, which by the way will be published this weekend, so as to keep the pace.
I'm improving the ink extraction process, or I think I am. Let me know if you see any difference.
(more...)Story goes on. Mystery unfolds slowly. Guesses welcome.
Technicalities: All panels drawn by hand, scanned, ink extracted. I didn't have too much time for shading, and I still think it looks a bit weird, but hey you are supposed to be reading, not focusing on the little details :P.
(more...)The story continues... I have decided to end this story shorter than anticipated, otherwise it could go on forever. I'd say I'm halfway through so far. After finishing it I might continue with the same characters but focusing on a different story.
Technical: I'm in the process of replacing the font used everywhere, I couldn't get a hold of a valid license for the previous one I was using. I'm also using upper case for text.
(more...)I've been reorganizing the 'LIFE/interior' comic. I'm trying to bring more consistency to the story, essentially updating dialogues and adding a bit more context here and there. Most noticeable, I changed the font used for balloons. The font is now Blambot's Artists Alley, essentially because I can't --for the life of me-- find a license for Yankshand, the font I was using before. Apparently the company that owns the rights went bankrupt so the font lies there in limbo, although many sites wrongly offer it and label it as free. I'm using all capital letters for text now, and rearranging/updating some texts.
Some of the pages were too big and that poses quite a few logistics problems, so I'm reducing all pages, trying to make them smaller than 2048 pixels height and 768 width, but without removing content or reducing text size. For some of the pages, the only option is to split them into two or three. When I do that, the RSS feed gets updated and some feed readers like Google Reader get a bit confused and show new pages although they have an old date and should not be displayed. Just check them out if you want, but you can ignore them.
At some point the archive will be completely updated and I'll post about it.