The ghost of Ana continues telling her story. I hope everything makes more and more sense for those reading this thing. It could very well be that it goes the opposite way, I never know ;).
(more...)Well let's change narrator for a while, to see if we can listen to something about the other side of the story. I have a scanner now, so hopefully quality will improve a bit. I had a lot of trouble with this page because essentially I kept writing a whole novel in it. It contained way too much text, but there were so many things I wanted to write about and that seemed completely necessary for the story... anyway, I'll scatter them through a few more pages. Now that I think about it, maybe that's where the whole concept of having pages originated. Amazing.
Technically: same old, same old. Some of the shading was done using the 'splotchy' pen in the calligraphy tool, which kind of mixes better with the rough ink. By the way, the ink looks rough because the paper I use is probably not the best for ink, I can see it spread through the pores in the paper when I draw. Of course, I'm too cheap to get another sketch book.
Update: fixed typo to appease the masses.
(more...)The Resource Manager exists in many forms. The one depicted here is a close representation of one I have to work with (or against). It is interesting to note that the resource manager doesn't usually know anything in particular, but does earn more than any of its resources. If you see one, run for your life!
(more...)New page, this time with actual scanned pages, although as usual it was finished a bit rushed. I should stop apologizing for every single page and just call it 'my style' :).
(more...)I like to now and then, draw one of those three panel comics. It's really interesting how much you can say with only a few words. It's also fascinating how difficult it is to make it right.
Most of the time, the humor is so narrow that only a few people actually understand what's going on --and that doesn't mean they will all find it funny, which narrows the audience even a bit more.
Most of the 3-panel comics I follow have very well established characters, usually just two or three. What I wanted to write about is something that puzzles me: invariably, in the comics I like, you can identify the main characters easily and get to know their persona without needing to have them introduced first. It's as if they had always been there, always. Take Robby + Bobby as an example, he's managed to create two great characters. You can just read a strip and immediately understand it, even if there is absolutely no context.
My latest attempt, Paul the innovator, is probably only going to be funny for me and a few coworkers, as usual.
Paul is a so-called innovator in a corporate world.
Still, I'd like it to be easily identifiable and funny for other people too, but the only way I can think of doing that is by writing a few strips to fully define the character. Which means, I'm not doing it right :).
Hope I'm giving you some clues of the puzzle with every page. I'm still having some trouble because of being scanner-less (yes, that's totally a condition). Hopefully that will be fixed soon.
That should explain why this one doesn't really have that many drawings :). Shush! Don't tell anybody!
Update: Fixed a typo. Well, I actually invented the word "minuciously" and that was luckily pointed out by a nerdy reader. It looked like a word to me. It should be a word.
(more...)And now for something completely different.... This is a little silly comic, just for fun. I might do a few of these because there's plenty of stuff to write about on this subject.
Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.
Technicalities: This was drawn directly on screen with Inkscape. I used the calligraphy tool for everything but the face on 3rd panel.
(more...)New page... I find myself again without a scanner so quite a few of these drawings were made directly on screen. Just read it without thinking too much about the drawing ;).