I set up a local kubernetes cluster using microk8s just as a development/home cluster and as part of it I ended up connecting to the kubernetes dashboard application using a service account token, as recommended
$ microk8s kubectl create token default
(...token output...)
This process lead me to a few questions:
Essentially, "wait how does the whole token authentication thing work?"
So far we have dealt with two token types:
user we have been using.
This can be found in /var/snap/microk8s/current under
Changing the token can be done by editing the file.Now, let's think about those... what is a temporary token? where are they stored? how do they expire? Those are the kind of questions I like to dig in to learn about the internals, and I end up finding a lot of this is implemented in a perfectly reasonable and standards-based way.
As usual:
There we see:
Now, let's take our token and inspect it - pasting it into jwt.io to see its content (this is safe as long as you don't expose your cluster anywhere):
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "_h3i-pvtWSsSXXVyXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"aud": [
"exp": 1664705605,
"iat": 1664702005,
"iss": "https://kubernetes.default.svc",
"kubernetes.io": {
"namespace": "default",
"serviceaccount": {
"name": "default",
"uid": "755e1766-e817-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"nbf": 1664702005,
"sub": "system:serviceaccount:default:default"
parameter indicates the audience, in this case kubernetessub
indicates the 'subject' (user, service account, etc).
When we created the token we didn't specify a service account,
which means it used the 'default' service account (not great
practice but hey we are starting)
"nbf": 1664702005
(not before), "iat": 1664702005
(issued at) and
"exp": 1664705605
(expiry) which you can quickly convert to a date
with:$ date -d@"1664702005"
Sun 2 Oct 10:13:25 BST 2022
$ date -d@"1664705605"
Sun 2 Oct 11:13:25 BST 2022
Any client application we give the token to will be sending an HTTPS
request to the API server with a header set to
Authentication: Bearer <token>
. That's all is needed. Any requests
will then be approved/rejected based on the permissions of that account.
If you want to test a particular call, you can use the token with for example:
kubectl --token="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" get pods --all-namespaces
As usual, you will be able to dig into the Dashboard project itself, for instance here you have alternative access methods
A final note on temporary tokens: they do provide advantages in limiting the scope of attack as they will expire but you will still need to associate them to limited users or service accounts with limited restrictions, something I haven't gone into yet and we have been using the default service account. For example, if the temporary account is captured it can be used to create permanent accounts/secrets.