27 May 2013

A final installment of the headless chicken management series. In these cases the Dilbert principle stands true most of the time, and the manager keeps being promoted until the point where he or she becomes less harmful for the company.

And surprisingly enough, this was also an idea contributed to the comic, this time by the multi-talented JaviGala.
Un episodio final para la saga del jefe pollo-descabezado. En estos casos se suele cumplir el principio de Dilbert y el jefe sigue ascendiendo hasta llegar al punto en el que resulta menos pernicioso para la compañía.

Y sorprendentemente, esta idea también es una contribución al cómic, esta vez por el polivante JaviGala.


19 May 2013

Continuing the saga of the headless chicken manager, watch in horror as the panic spreads.

With special thanks this time to ladybenko for the idea.
Continuando con la saga del pollo descabezado como jefe, miren con horror cómo el pánico se extiende.

Mención especial esta vez para ladybenko por la idea.

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates, and if you are into this kind of stuff you could also follow me on twitter)


06 May 2013

This is an increasingly common management technique that we've come to name "headless-chicken management". It involves panicking at the most insignificant problem and transferring that panic to the team, other management and everyone else in the company until the only solution seems to be mass suicide.

With special thanks to rafeca for the idea.
Ésta es una técnica de gestión que hemos denominado "gestión pollo descabezado". Implica entrar en pánica con cualquier mínimo problema y hacer que ese pánico se pase al equipo, al resto de los managers y a todo el mundo en la empresa hasta el punto en el que la única solución parece ser el suicidio en masa.

Mención especial para rafeca por la idea.

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates, and if you are into this kind of stuff you could also follow me on twitter)


07 Apr 2013

Somebody had to say it. If you go to work with one of those little scooters, nobody is going to take you seriously. It's about the laziest thing you can do and still pretend to be doing "exercise". Maybe I should do another comic exploring the relation between the use of a scooter and belly size of the owner. Alguien lo tenía que decir. Si vas al trabajo con uno de esos patinetes, nadie te tomará en serio. Lo curioso es que es una de las cosas más vagas que se puede hacer y sin embargo se presenta como que estás haciendo "ejercicio". Puede que haga otro comic explorando la relación que hay entre el uso de un patinete y el tamaño de la barriga del que lo lleva.

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates, and if you are into this kind of stuff you could also follow me on twitter)


24 Mar 2013

There is some autobiographical aspects to this comic. The effects of the hipster glasses must not be underestimated. The same way that when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back at you, when you wear hipster glasses they slowly transform you. Watch out for skinny trousers, intellectual discussions about things you haven't actually read or seen and of course, the all-telling "I was into them way before when they were not famous". Hay algo de autobiográfico en este cómic. Los efectos de las gafas de pasta no deben ser tomados a la ligera. De la misma manera que cuando uno mira al abismo, el abismo le mira a él, cuando llevas las gafas de pasta el hipster se va apoderando lentamente de ti. Ten cuidado con los pantalones apretados, las discusiones intelectuales sobre cosas que no has leído ni visto y por supuesto, el definitivo "me gustaban antes de que fueran famosos".

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates, and if you are into this kind of stuff you could also follow me on twitter)


10 Mar 2013

Rule number one for a framework developer should be: don't be a framework developer, it's not worth it.

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates, and if you are into this kind of stuff you could also follow me on twitter)


19 Feb 2013

I must admit I read The Lean Startup by Eric Ries and love it. It's well explained, full of examples and engaging. Now what happens when you try to apply that to a traditional enterprise business? Mostly, that it's going to take quite a while...

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates)


03 Feb 2013

Just as is the case with the "Fair Trade" labels and similar, it's always worth taking a look at what exactly a label like "best place to work" means. A little bit of google will take you to an hilarious company that actually sells that label for workplaces, Great Place to Work.

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates)


27 Jan 2013

I often criticize "Agile" but I'm a big fan and will use most of it always. The problem from my point of view is taking a team that doesn't work and promoting the useless individuals so that they don't slow down the others. The most common and patent case is when someone's job is just "Scrum Master". What does that mean? To add insult to injury, they are usually given a rise just because even though everybody is saying "we are now agile", deep down they still love the concept of a boss and minions. So what is a scrum master, if not the boss of a bunch of developers that otherwise wouldn't be able to function properly? It's that kind of thinking I really dislike, and I find it associated to "Agile" and "Lean" too often.

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates)


20 Jan 2013

Every time I have to click "Continue" in one of the useless popups about some site's "cookie policy", I lose faith in any legislation ever producing a positive result.

If you don't know, that whole thing originates in a severely wrong and uninformed EU Regulation on cookies, without understanding that there is no way to differentiate between 'good cookies' and 'bad cookies' and that either you accept the modern web needs them to work or you re-engineer the whole thing from scratch.

Of course, the final joke is that the ONLY way for a website to remember that you accepted OR rejected the policy is to set a cookie. So if anything, the new legislation made every site create a new cookie in your computer.

But I digress...

(As usual, a reminder that you can like the facebook page to get updates)
