I'm thinking of doing A small mini-series dedicated to business travel. I've heard some very interesting stories on the subject as of late, and I think it would be a total waste not to use them.
I'd like to point out that any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental (as usual).
(more...)Nicknaming people is a bad, bad thing to do. Kids, don't do it.
That said, one wonders what planet you have to be raised in for you to consider burping as a valid form of expression.
In an office.
(more...)True story. I find particularly common that thing of not knowing when Q2 and Q3 start and end. If only we had another, more specific way of measuring time!
(more...)To be fair, I'm starting to think designers are permanently angry about the world. Must be all the imperfection surrounding us...
I should mention that what you see on the comic is not exactly Apple's iCloud icon, which caused quite a revolution among designers. I drew my own version, just in case the evil Apple likes to crush cartoonists.
If you want to see the original icon and probably actually understand what I'm talking about, take a look at this.
(more...)Well, size doesn't matter, does it?
Most of the script for this strip comes from my beloved Javier Gala, check his site at http://javiergala.com/
(more...)I find it quite interesting that even though most of the population is suffering the effects of a severe downturn, there seems to be such a lack of "internet-savvy" IT staff that all that is needed to get a job is to have previously had a job in the same field. That's particularly true with big companies such as Yahoo or Google, often forgetting that those companies employ between 10,000 and 20,0000 people. I'm no expert but my guess is that the chances of those companies having some people that are not the brightest is pretty high.
I see this in Telco more than anywhere else. Telco's need to evolve and become more 'internet', more 'Google', but more often than not there's a lack of staff that can actually check that a candidate is indeed anything more than a doughnut eating talking head. But hey, if you want a good doughnut, you've come to the right place.
Anyway, you have to agree it's actually pretty funny.
(more...)They all seem to paint these things as necessary, but some times one has to wonder...
(more...)I linked this with pair programming, but I think it's a good analogy for many things. I can probably write a motivational book about the subject: Are you a nut cracker or a nut eater? Mmmm that doesn't sound right.
(more...)Somebody at work explained the recent changes in labor law that had been presented a few days before, and he described it in this very succinct analogy. I found there was a kind of justice on it all, albeit maybe it's perverted justice. Anyway, I thought it was worth a comic, for posterity.
(more...)The Elder Monkey is a character commonly found in many companies. My original idea was to make a play on 2001 A Space Odyssey's initial scene, during the 'dawn of man', where a man-ape discovers he can use a bone to crush the skull of other man-apes and hence starts, from my point of view, all technology.
I liked the idea of that man-ape not going much past that. Yes, we get it, you know how to use a bone, now can we just eat?
Problem is, I overestimated the popularity of 2001 A Space Odyssey. Apparently most people know about it, but it's not that many that have actually watched the thing. Plus, this would be the second 2001 reference in this comic, maybe I need to renew my repertoire.